Painting process 2: Blocking in colour

Below – the second in my new series following the painting process. This painting is from a news series started this year which takes inspiration from the remains of a Carmelite friary in the mysterious forest of Luffness.

(This series is also on Instagram, for which the series was first itended, hence the upright video format! You can find me on instagram by searching for Rose Strang)

3 thoughts on “Painting process 2: Blocking in colour

  1. Chris Lovie-Tyler

    Interesting that you’re using water-mixable oils. I want to try oils but am a bit nervous about using solvent (and the possibility of rags catching fire if you don’t store them properly). Have you ever tried Gamsol or Eco-Solve? I believe some of those are much better than traditional turps. I know, too, some people don’t even use solvent; they just use oil and other mediums. But I guess it depends on how thin you want to get it for that first layer.

    Cool to see you turning the painting upside down too. I’ve tried that with a drawing, but not a painting yet.

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