Monthly Archives: June 2016

Harbour Exhibition

My exhibition at the Freespace Gallery Harbour ends on Friday next week. Around half the works have sold but they are all still on exhibition until the end of June.

It’s been really great working with Kate and Terence at Freespace, thanks again to them for hosting the exhibition!

These are all of the paintings in the exhibition (there are also several mounted prints for sale too)..

Living Seas Project

IMG_1541Today I met up with Sam Collin (Marine Planning Officer for the Scottish Wildlife Trust) at the Freespace Gallery to chat about their Living Seas Project.

Sam suggested we meet in the gallery so he could see the Harbour paintings and he also wanted to say thanks for donating 10% of sales from the Harbour exhibition towards the Living Seas and Marine projects.

It’s really just a small donation so it was very nice of Sam to drop by and a pleasure to meet him, but I do plan to continue where possible to donate towards the Scotish Wildlife Trust and in general to work where I can to help support environmental projects.

The exhibition continues till the 30th June at Freespace Gallery (which is run by Kate and Terence, who’ve been a pleasure to work with). Also, many thanks again to folks who’ve bought paintings or prints, it’s good to know that sales of these contribute a little towards conservation of Scotland’s beautiful coast.

On that subject here are some photos of my trips around east coast harbours in the last few months. I love the textures of crails and ropes!..

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‘Harbour’ exhibition launch

P1080740 P1080737The preview evening of Harbour went well – there was a really nice buzz, good conversations, several sales and an upcoming commission!

Harbour runs until the 30th June. Many thanks to all who came along and to Terence at the Freespace gallery for his help and good cheer.

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The Freespace Gallery was the perfect scale for these smaller works, the wall screen was a good feature too, displaying a showreel of art collaborations between myself, composer/cellist Atzi Muramatsu and poet Jennifer L Williams. (Atzi recently won a BAFTA Best Composer Award at the BAFTA Scotland New Talent Awards, very well deserved!)


This is the start of a busy summer this year – my next exhibition will be on a bigger scale with an entirely new theme inspired by the village of Casares in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. More about that next week…